
What Is the Outer Darkness?
Provides a technical definition of the outer darkness and practical implications.

Does God Need Us?
Takes a surprisingly affirmative answer and combines it with provocative Bridal implications for rewards. Revised 3-31-2013

Faithfulness versus Fruitfulness
Demonstrates that faithfulness, not fruitfulness in terms of impacting others, is the basic criterion for the Lord being pleased with us and our hearing, “Well done.”

Probability of Immanency
Explains why, using only cycles and patterns, the author would estimate a 70% probability of the rapture occurring on the Feast of Trumpets in the 2015-2018 time span.

Hidden Ones
Demonstrates that the phrase “hidden ones” may be used dualistically as pertaining to both Israel and the Church, with implications on the timing of the rapture.”

Christ Hyperspaced
Demonstrates that in Eph 4:8-10 Christ ascended through hyperspace.

Forms of Enabling Grace
Demonstrates that even though repentance is not a gift given to all, the Calvinistic interpretation is not a foregone conclusion.

Wheel of Love
Defends the position taken in my book, Monogamous Sex in Heaven, that it is permissible to find my wife an incarnate source of Christ’s love.

Seven Ways God Answers Prayer
Explains why we cannot automatically assume that our faith is defective if our prayers are unanswered.

Documents that my termination as pastor was for promoting Free Grace theology and preaching against abortion and homosexuality.

Prince of Milk
Explains why Joseph Prince is wrong on such matters as the need for confession of sins by believers. Revised 7-7-2017.

Do Good Intentions Justify Falsehood?
Explains the difference between a lie and a falsehood and why good intentions are an important factor but not the only factor in justifying falsehoods.

Revelation Banner Chart
Chart that provides an overview of Revelation.

Love-Hate Dynamics
Applies an extract from one of my books to show the feasibility and NT applicability of imprecatory prayers. 

Samuel at Endor for Saul’s Bema
Proposes that Samuel actually appeared to Saul at Endor and that Samuel’s doing so was a typological precursor to: (1) the worship shown to faithful believers at the Bema, (2) the loss of potential rewards by unfaithful believers, and (3) the confinement of unfaithful believers in the outer darkness. 10/20/2022