Unconditional Security

Perseverance of the Righteous
Argues that Ps 37:24 should not be understood Calvinistically as indicating that the Lord assures the perseverance of the righteous.

Static Versus Dynamic Life
Argues from context of Rom 8:13 that eternal security is not at stake when a believer dies because of moral failure. Illustrates that it is possible to die dynamically without dying statically. Revised 10/25/2009

Moral and Theological Apostasy
Argues that the moral apostasy in 1Tim 5:8 results in the moral death described in 1Tim 5:6 so that Forlines cannot limit the deadly affects of apostasy to theological apostasy. Therefore, the deadly affects of apostasy must ultimately be based on morality. Revised 10/25/2009

Guaranteed Security
OSAS treatment of being sealed in Christ which primarily focuses on Eph 1:13-14 in response to Corner’s counterargument. Revised 8/10/2008

Conditional and Unconditional Promises
Demonstrates that unconditional security is rooted in God’s immutability in responding to Corner’s arguments regarding texts such as 1Sam 2:30. Revised 10/25/2009

Marshall and NT Warnings
Interaction primarily with . I. Howard Marshall/s book, Kept by the Power of God: A Study of Perseverance and Falling Away 12/21/2016