Nephilim Notes

These articles serve predominantly as brief, technical, notes for studies I am conducting and explaining elsewhere.

Nimrod and Semiramis
An argument that the wife of Nimrod might have been Semiramis I, as opposed to Semiramis II. Yet both women may have been fallen angels. Revised 2/3/2017

Return of the Nephilim
Brief explanation of various authors and views. Revised 2/3/2017

Extract from Enoch Pertaining to the Fall of the Watchers
Principle texts from 1 Enoch pertaining to the fall of the watchers. 8/6/2016

Naamah’s Seduction of Noah
Outline of principle views regarding Noah’s curse of Canaan which concludes that Noah was seduced by Canaan’s mother. 8/10/2016

Postflood Giants
OT texts pertaining to sons of God with summation from Tanakh. 8/6/2016

Sons of God Are Divine Beings
OT texts pertaining to sons of God with summation from Tanakh. Revised 1/23/2017