
A simple presentation of the Greek alphabet with a sound file to help with the pronunciation.

A simple discussion of Greek nouns.

A simple discussion of Greek verbs.

Free Greek Software
A demonstration of how to use free Greek software by E-sword and Interlinear Scripture Analyzer to create interlinear displays in which one can look up the Greek word for fruit(karpos) in Mt 7:17, find it in a Greek dictionary, find all its occurrences in the Greek NT, decipher its morphological codes, and search for its plural occurrences by its morphological code.

Chart for Karpos
A chart which focuses on the plural versus singular forms of fruit (karpos) and literary parallels for Mt 7:16-20.

Definitions for Karpos
Standard definitions for fruit (karpos) with a focus on Mt 7:16-20.

Producing Karpos
Discussion of the Greek verb used for producing (poieo) fruit in Mt 7:16-20 and aspectual parallels in 1Jn 3:9 and Jn 3:16.